Friday 25th and Saturday 26th March 2022 saw the launch of Southampton Film Week[end] – Screening Green! It was an absolute pleasure to build on the momentum of SFW21 and invite people back in-person to our neighbours at MAST for a sensational and inspiring line-up of the best environmentally focused international cinema!
The weekend itself was a flurry of activity and family-friendly direct action, which included a Fridays for Future march, and a community takeover of the John Hansard Gallery. We were so proud that Screening Green could be a part of this wonderful weekend of environmentally conscious activity.
For our part, Screening Green featured an incredible line up of Oscar nominated animation and drama, as well as once-in-a-lifetime screenings of international thriller and documentary, providing activists and protestors, as well as everyday cinema-goers, an opportunity to engage with the history of climate action, inspiring alternative methods of farming and growing, as well as moving drama examining our relationship with the natural world around us.
If you attended one of our events, we would love to hear from you! Follow this link and let us know your thoughts so we can keep bringing you inspiring cinema in 2022.