Southampton Film Week is proud to announce the winning films from the SFW: Shorts 2022 screening and awards ceremony!

Call of the Silent Cell, directed by Vicky Isley and Paul Smith
The Michael Fuller Award for Best Film
Best Artist Film
Regional Filmmaker Prize

– Best Documentary
– Solent University Award for Best Animated Film
Lock the Gate, directed by Sarah Lynn Galasso

– Best Fiction
Carecrow, directed by Robby Baldwin

– Audience Award
Bleep, directed by Ben S. Hyland
Saturday 12 November saw a fabulous evening where of screening all the shortlisted films for this year’s competition and celebrated the winners.
The Michael Fuller Award for Best Film was presented to Vicky Isley and Paul Smith for Call of the Silent Cell, and we were especially honoured to have Michael’s wife Leslie to present the award.

Call of the Silent Cell Vicky Isley, Paul Smith Regional Filmmaker Prize
A Conversation with the Ocean Mike Krishnatreya, Livia Vonaesch
Estuary Warren Bass Best Animation
Learning to Swim Trudie Shutler Regional Filmmaker Prize
Unseeing Inês Costa Regional Filmmaker Prize
13: A Short Biopic with a Calculated Error Iosu Vakerizzo
The Diver’s Son Nick Sneath
Lock the Gate Sarah Lynn Galasso Best Animation
Memories of the Perestroika Anastasia Usinger Best Animation
Water and More Water Francesca Svampa
As de Trèfle Henri Kebabdjian
Bleep Ben S. Hyland Regional Filmmaker Prize
Carecrow Robby Baldwin Best Animation
Dig Boy Dig Andrew McCann
Dinner Chenxin Yang Best Animation
The Hunter Reuben Vick
Stiff Upper Lip Dylan Friese-Greene
‘Who’s Counting?’ Ben Lankester
Yellowstone 88 – Song of Fire Jerry van de Beek, Betsy De Fries Best Animation