Dir. Sam Gilroy | UK 2021 | Age Guide 14+ | Lang: English
A dance-film screening and conversation to ask: What do women's roles, fears and freedoms look like in our society now? How do we represent them? Join director Sam Gilroy to talk about our everyday experiences of femininity, strength, failure, success, freedom and courage, to empower women and girls.
Why do we need to empower women and girls?
"Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families, communities and countries. When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential. ... Empowering girls is the key to economic growth, political stability and social transformation." Understanding Women's Empowerment - World Vision
Who is this for?
Women, girls, non-binary people, sisters, mothers, daughters, grandmas & girlfriends from Southampton.
More information about Sam and F WORDZ:
Sam Gilroy is an independent female Dance Artist & Choreographer based in Southampton which has a rich, culturally diverse population of women and people who identify as female. Inspired to connect and create, Sam asks you to join in conversation, to share your thoughts and experiences that arise in response to the film. These conversations will help inform: F WORDZ, a live performance work they are creating, ready to be performed and seen in Autumn 2022. Sam is also creating F WORDZ Podcast coming out in January 2022, that will amplify women's voices in Southampton - watch this space!
What the project is about and what inspired Sam to do it:
F WORDZ is an uplifting, feminist, dance & spoken word project raising under-represented female voices to elevate & empower girls and women of all ages by demystifying topics burdened with shame and highlighting the strength in vulnerability. F WORDZ will showcase true stories of girl's and women's shared feats, fears, vulnerabilities and power, within dance & spoken word, film, and performances. Empowered women empower women.
This project is supported with funding from Arts Council England and Hampshire Archives Trust, local partners: ZoieLogic, Theatre for Life, Lila Dance, Art Asia, Tracie's Latin Club, Clearcut, A Space Arts, MAST Mayflower Studios, The Point, Pavilion Dance South West, University of Chichester and South East Dance.
We are eager that financial hardship should not be an obstacle to attendance at this event. If you are able to please pay by donation - we are recommending £4.