Southampton Film Week


Adam Barker-Mill: DUALITY – Exhibition

DUALITY brings together the filmic and sculptural world of filmmaker, cinematographer and artist Adam Barker-Mill.

Presented in partnership with John Hansard Gallery the exhibition features Barker-Mill’s first film in fifty years, alongside a new chromatic light sculpture.

“Obviously it is all about light. Light is the very essence of cinematography and light is the main material of my current work”    


Installed throughout Southampton Film Week in the John Hansard Gallery.

An older woman self-isolates in a stranger’s tiny white attic. This film explores her experience of becoming…what? Invisible?
INVISIBLE is made by Brenda Waite and and Anna Cady. Brenda came to live in Anna’s attic at the beginning of the first lockdown.

As post menopausal women each had discovered what it felt like to become invisible. But then there was Covid. And it was said, “if all the old people stayed inside we could get on with our lives.”  The fight against ageism took on a whole new perspective.
Please note that the Gallery does not open on Sunday and Monday.